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Sauna Therapy & Mental Well-being

Achieve greater energy, happiness, and balance in your daily life.

Søndag den 26. januar 2025

kl. 15-17:45

Denne eftermiddag mødes vi til yoga, rolige åndedrætsøvelser og sound meditation efterfulgt af saunagus. Fokus er ro og afstresning af nervesystemet og bedre søvn.
Yoga og sound meditation varer 90 min og saunagus 60 min.


Gain insight into yourself, your situation, and your surroundings

At Vippa House, we take a holistic approach to health and well-being. Cognitive therapy is part of our method, helping to restore balance and manage negative thought patterns. Our psychologist offers confidential sessions designed to enhance self-awareness, build personal resources, and improve well-being, which can also form part of a health program with us.


Our confidential sessions provide self-insight. Cognitive therapy, guided by our psychologist, is based on coaching. We help you discover your own resources to boost energy, well-being, and happiness. This treatment can also be included as part of our health program at Vippa House.

Benefits of EMS Training:
  • Increased Muscle Strength: EMS activates more muscle fibres, helping to build strength faster than traditional workouts.

  • Improved Endurance: Regular EMS training can enhance muscle endurance, allowing you to exercise for longer without fatigue.

  • Targeted Muscle Development: EMS can be used to focus on specific muscle groups that are difficult to train with conventional exercises.

  • Time Efficiency: EMS training delivers results comparable to longer workout sessions, making it ideal for those with a busy lifestyle.

  • Fat Burning: EMS boosts metabolism and can help reduce body fat by burning more calories both during and after exercise.

  • Rehabilitation and Recovery: EMS can be used to strengthen muscles after injury and support rehabilitation without placing strain on the joints.

  • Improved Posture: By strengthening the deep muscle groups, EMS can help improve your posture.

  • Reduced Risk of Injury: Strengthening muscles and enhancing stability can lower the risk of future injuries.

These benefits make EMS a versatile form of training that can be tailored to meet various

needs and goals.

Alt det praktiske

Alle kan deltage, og især dig som har udfordringer med en velfortjent nattesøvn.

Vi mødes og skilles i forholdsvis stilhed, der vil blive serveret te og lette snacks.

Kom gerne 5-10 min før, i rart blødt tøj, strømper, evt et sjal.

Prisen er 750kr. pr. deltager og tilmelding er bindende. Der er begrænset antal pladser. Eventet bliver afholdt hos VIPPA i Skodsborg. 

Vi glæder os til at se jer til en rolig og afstressende eftermiddag.

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